Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 1272
Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Company Records, 1897-1946
Records, 1897 - 1946.
Alaska Labor Unions and Social Activism, Bulk 1980s
Alaska Language Translations, Translations of Russian Works, Vocabulary Studies of Alaska Native Languages, With Related Correspondence, 1903-1937
This collection includes Richard H. Geoghegan's translation of published works on Aleut and Athapascan language from Russian and German into English. Mr. Geoghegan also collected vocabularies from various Alaska natives in the early 1900's as part of his own linguistic studies. These studies have been bound together with a brief guide giving page references.
Alaska Lantern Slides Collection, ca. 1894- [ongoing]
This collection of glass lantern slides presents a visual story of Alaska and Alaskans from the late nineteenth century until 1916. The collection is ongoing; slides are added to the end of the collection as they are received. Subjects include communities, pioneer life, fishing and the fishing industry, logging, ships, glaciers, farms, animals, landscapes and Alaskan Natives and their culture. The slides are both black and white and color; some are hand-tinted.
Alaska Legislature
Commemorations, Memoriams, Honorings, 2000-[ongoing]
Alaska Map Collection, 1889-1928
The maps and charts, prepared between 1889 to 1928, show lagoons, bays, ports, lakes, rivers, etc. in Bristol Bay, the Alaska Peninsula, Kodiak Island and Southeast Alaska. Shown frequently on the maps and charts are depth of the water and locations of fish traps, hatcheries, canneries, native villages and towns.
Alaska Native Organizations' Information File, ca. 1918-1971
This collections contains material related to various Alaska Native regional or community organizations. The material includes articles of incorporation, newspaper articles, and references regarding Alaska Native land claims.
Alaska Native Organizations Photograph Collection, 1912-[Ongoing]
The individual and group portraits in this collection represent a span of years from 1912-1996 and include the 1912 founding fathers of the Alaska Native Brotherhood and Sisterhood (ANB, ANS). The photographs portray the wide scope of interests and activities of the Alaska Native organizations. A history of these organizations is included in the collection. Two 1996 portrait panoramas of Native dancers was added to this collection in 2017.
Alaska, On the River Photograph Collection, ca. 1898 - 1927
Provenance unknown. Most of the negatives contain images of daily life on or near rivers in Alaska. Some images show sternwheelers on the Yukon River. Pole-boats are also depicted.
Alaska Packers Association Records, 1891-1970
Records: Correspondence, journals, maritime, administrative, operations, and personnel records, fish trap location maps, Soldiers' Additional Homestead surveys, general location maps, and fishery publications. 1891-1970. [San Francisco, Calif., Blaine, Wash.]