Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 1272
Alaska Department of Health Photograph Collection, circa 1945-1955.
The photographs were taken by J. Malcolm Greany for the Alaska Health Department in the late 1940s and early 1950s to document substandard housing in the Willoughby area of Juneau.
Alaska Department of Highway Photograph Collection: Walter Hickel (“Haul Road”) Construction, 1968-1969
Images include equipment, construction, mobile camps, aerial views, Dept. of Highway employees and construction workers. The collection also includes a typescript "The History of the Haul Road."
Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game Photograph Collection, 1951-1975
Dept. of Fish and Game employees photographed or acquired the images in this collection. Many of the first 155 photographs have individual descriptions while the remaining views are arranged by subject. Subjects include Dept. of Fish & Game vessels, tagging and other activities of the department, hatcheries, canneries, southeast Alaskan islands, coves and bays, birds, marine animals, game and hunting.
Alaska Division of Tourism Photograph Collection, ca. 1950-[ongoing]
Alaska Elections, 1916-[ongoing]
Includes official and sample ballots, official returns, number of registered voters per district, and newspaper clippings. Folders arranged in chronological order.
Alaska Electric Light and Power Company Photograph Collection, 1912-1945
The collection of contact prints show the Alaska Juneau Gold Mining Co. in operation, design and construction, machinery, railways, power plants, warehouses, mills, the surrounding area including Gastineau Channel, Salmon Creek, Sheep Creek, Annex Creek, Mahoney Lake.
Records of the Alaska Empire Gold Mining Company, 1937
Alaska File: A Selection of Letters and a Report from the U.S. Bureau of Education Teachers in Alaska, 1903-1932
[Photocopies of documents from National Archives.]
Alaska fish hatchery records and related material, 1903-1982
Alaska Folk Festival Programs and Memorabilia, 1975-[Ongoing]
Alaska Folk Festival memorabilia, programs, posters, and backdrops.