Folder PCA0002-6
Contains 71 Results:
Archaeologists from the University of Alaska and Alaska Methodist University sift through the remains of ancient civilizations along the trans Alaska pipeline. Over a period of five years, more than 300 sites were excavated yielding more than a half million stone flakes and artifacts., 1974 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-61
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1974 - 1977
Winter and summer, archaeologists from the University of Alaska and Alaska Methodist University worked to excavate sites along the trans Alaska pipeline, previously identified as likely to contain remains of prehistoric cultural groups. Where work continued in the winter, archaeologists used propane gas-fired heaters and 55-gallon drums to soften the permafrost. About two inches of soil could be thawed in 45 minutes., 1974 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-62
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1974 - 1977
This large tractor-mouinted chain saw with a blade 15 feet long, is used to dig the ditch for 147 mile-long natural gas fuel pipeline for the pump stations on the trans Alaska pipeline north of the Brooks Mountain Range., 1974 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-63
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1974 - 1977
Welding of 10-inch-diameter sections for the 147-mile natural gas fuel line between Prudhoe Bay and Pump Station 4, north of the Brooks Mountain Range, takes place in small, temporary shelters, seen in the background., 1974 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-64
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1974 - 1977
One of the last major components for the trans Alaska Pipeline, a 412-foot long floating berth, is towed into Port Valdez. The floating dock, shipped by barge across the North Pacific from Japan, is one of four berths designed for crude oil tankers at the pipeline’s Valdez marine terminal., 1974 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-65
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1974 - 1977
A 6½ million pound floating dock is pulled toward its destination, the Valdez trans Alaska pipeline’s marine tanker terminal (background). The berth is 412 feet long, 108 feet wide and 62 feet high. It is one of four berths designed to handle tankers calling at the pipeline’s terminal. The pipeline begins operation later this year., 1974 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-66
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1974 - 1977
About 250 craft, contractor and management personnel gathered Monday, May 30, 1977, to witness the completion of the last weld made by a construction crew for the trans Alaska pipeline. More than 100,000 field and machine welds were required for the 800-mile pipeline., 1977-05-30
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-67
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
Welders complete the final weld for the trans Alaska pipeline. The weld was made Monday, May 30, 1977, at a site near Pump Station 3 on Alaska’s North Slope. The first oil is expected to enter the pipeline by July 1, 1977., 1977-05-30
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-68
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
Pump Station 5 personnel remove the first of three start up “pigs,” devices used to precede the crude oil front during initial operation of the trans Alaska pipeline system. The pig made the journey from Pump Station 1 to Pump Station 5, a distance of 275 miles, in 10 days. A second pig, launched yesterday (June 30) from Pump station 5, is now travelling through the four foot diameter pipeline to Pump Station 10. There, the third and final pig will be launched to lead the oil to its final destination at the Valdez terminal. Alyeska Pipeline Service Company 7/1/77., 1977-07-01
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-69
Scope and Contents
Pump Station 8 fire, July 20, 1977., 1977-07-20
Item — Folder: PCA0002-6
Identifier: PCA0002-6-70
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...