Folder PCA0002-5
Contains 56 Results:
Selection of the pipeline’s route and terminus at Valdez was made after careful consideration of terrain, soil condition and environmental factors., 1976 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-1
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
Majority of material found within 1976 - 1977
This is the partially cleared site of the marine tanker terminal for the trans Alaska pipeline as it appeared in late 1970 during the project’s pre-construction period., late 1970
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-2
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
late 1970
The tanker Enco Gloucester performed a series of anchoring tests in the Port of Valdez and Prince William Sound in 1971 for Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, the firm building the trans Alaska pipeline. Oil tankers like this will be monitored through a traffic control center located at the Valdez terminal as they enter and leave the port., 1971
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-3
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
Large C-130 Hercules aircraft hauled vital supplies to remote locations along the trans Alaska pipeline route during the project’s pre-construction mobilization. This “Herc” is shown at an ice strip on Galbraith Lake during the early spring of 1974., early spring 1974
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-4
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
early spring 1974
Construction equipment and supplies move north over a winter trail in Anaktuvuk Pass in March 1974 as part of the mobilization for construction of the 360-mile Yukon River to Prudhoe Bay highway., 1974-03
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-5
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
Convoys of construction equipment moved to remote camp sites by way of winter trails in early 1974 during early mobilization for the pipeline project and prior to completion of the pipeline haul road between Prudhoe Bay and the Yukon River. The 360-mile-long road was completed late that same year., early 1974
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-6
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
early 1974
Exposed permafrost along the route of the trans Alaska oil pipeline is examined by a geologist employed by the line’s builders. Permafrost is defined as “unconsolidated deposits or bedrock that continuously have had a temperature below zero degrees Centigrade for two years or more.” In areas where the permafrost is “ice-rich,” the pipeline is elevated to avoid thawing the ground and thus losing support for the pipe., 1976 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-7
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
Majority of material found within 1976 - 1977
This sign located at Prospect Creek pipeline construction camp suggests something of the climatic rigors associated with pipeline construction in Alaska. Prospect, one of seven original project camps constructed in the winter of 1969-1970 holds the record for the lowest temperature ever recorded in the United States – minus 80 degrees Fahrenheit in 1971. The camp is about 80 miles north of the Yukon River., 1976 - 1977
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-8
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
Majority of material found within 1976 - 1977
A representative of Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, builders of the trans Alaska pipeline, inspects some of the 239 miles of 48-inch diameter pipe which was stored at the Fairbanks pipe yard prior to start of construction of the project., 1970 - 1974
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-9
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1970 - 1974
The first shipment of 48-inch-diameter pipe for the trans Alaska pipeline project arrived in Valdez in mid-September, 1969. A total of 419 miles of forty-foot joints of pipe was offloaded at the Valdez city dock for transfer to a pipe storage yard in Valdez, where the pipe remained until government approval of the project was secured in 1974. Visible in the center backgrouind, is the Valdez marine terminal for the pipeline, which was partially cleared in 1970., 1970 - 1974
Item — Folder: PCA0002-5
Identifier: PCA0002-5-10
Content Description
From the Collection:
The collection contains both slides and photographs taken during the pipeline construction. Subjects include personnel, equipment, bridge construction, the winter environment, wildlife, pump stations, Port Valdez, the Haul Road and the terminal. There are several views of archaeologists from UAF working at the site. The 589 slides generally correspond to six typewritten progress reports, which begin in March 1976, when the pipeline was about 45% complete, and end in April 1977 at 95%...
1970 - 1974