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- Archival Object 52777
- Digital Record 577
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- English 533
- Russian 6
- German 3
- French 2
- Names
- Newton, Robert E., Dr. 1
___ Bridge C.R.&N.W. by Alaska.
[Copper River and Northwestern Railroad]
[______, Jack Reed, George Benson, Sheldon Jarres, Harry Bremner, _____Young, Charlies Jackson, Willie Benson. They comprised the orchestra that played for any events in Yakutat (ca. 1915-16) - see #523 also.], circa 1915 or 1916
The photographs in this collection preserve a rare documentation of life in Yakutat at the height of Southeast Alaska’s salmon canning industry. Kayamori photographed buildings in Yakutat, the canneries, Tlingits, funerals of prominent residents, Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood activities and numerous portraits. The collection includes a photograph of the Thunderbird Clan House, no longer in existence, and two photographs of Kayamori.
______ outfit, 21 mules and horses, 46 sleds and 12 tons of whiskey and hardware, leaving Valdez for Fairbanks
[first section on Valdez street with stores on left.] 1905. (P.S. Hunt)
______ Reed , 1880 - 1945
[left profile - head and shoulders.]
_______, Gratzer and Greegan, Poorman Creek ... April 26, 1915., 1915-04-26
[four men and one woman near log cabin with tent entrance]
_______ Stewart at Tolsonia 1930 with Nabesna outfit., 1930
[man near tractor; freight loaded sleds behind tractor]
_________ Chittystone [Chitistone], Alaska.
[1 horse standing on rocky flat surface, mountains in backgrounds] (L. H. Smith)
[_________,Ned Williams, and George Valle, Sr. digging snow for a path between buildings.], [undated]
The photographs in this collection preserve a rare documentation of life in Yakutat at the height of Southeast Alaska’s salmon canning industry. Kayamori photographed buildings in Yakutat, the canneries, Tlingits, funerals of prominent residents, Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood activities and numerous portraits. The collection includes a photograph of the Thunderbird Clan House, no longer in existence, and two photographs of Kayamori.