Showing Collections: 671 - 680 of 1267
Letter to William Parsons, 1902 September 4
Letter regarding of Mr. Sam Lord and unidentified legal transaction. Letterhead for Sour Dough Hotel, Dawson, Yukon Territory
Letterhead design, seals, and address information for businesses in Alaska or doing business in Alaska, ca. 1890-1933
Includes letterheads, seals, notary public bonds, oaths of office, and signatures; firms represent all kinds of businesses in Alaska, city, federal, and territorial government, transportation companies, steamships, and fisheries.
Letters concerning the Atka Division of the Russian-American Company, 1824-1826.
Correspondence from the Governors' General file between Sitka and the main office in St. Petersburg concerning the reorganization of the Atka Division.
Letters from Novo-Arkhangelsk [Sitka], 1847-1864
Letters from Skagway: the Experiences of Carl Trappe during the Yukon Gold Rush, 1898-1899
The letters transcripted here were written by Carl Trappe to his wife, Emma, while he was in Skagway during the Klondike gold rush, 1898-1899. The original letters were written in German; the translation was done by James M. Trappe. The letters remain in the possession of the family.
Letters from the Pribilofs written by Leslie L. Bradley, 1948-1949
Leslie L. Bradley worked for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on St. George and St. Paul Islands. This file of letters, covering several years, were written to B. Irene Barrett, Leslie’s sister, in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Letters from the Vanderbilt Family Album, 1873-1898
Primarily letters of John M. Vanderbilt and Edward DeGroff.
Letters of Edward Daniel Kingsley, from the Klondike gold rush, 1898
The three letters, February through May, 1898, from Seattle, Washington; Copper City [Old Valdez], Alaska; and Lake Tasnuna, Alaska, respectively, were written to the editor of the Freeport, Illinois, newspaper, The Freeport Journal. Members of the party included Lute Guiteau, Philo Snow, William Becker, and Ed Kingsley.
Letters of George E. Pilz, ca. 1920-1922.
George E. Pilz letters and photocopies. Reminiscences of the oldest pioneer miner in Alaska [a letter written to James Wickersham], 1922. --Pilz manuscript: letter to Alfred H. Brooks, 1920 or 1921.