Showing Collections: 401 - 410 of 1267
First Alaska Aerial Survey Photograph Album, 1926
Fish Trap and Cannery Location Maps, 1919-1961
24 maps detailing fish traps and cannery locations, 1919-1994. Prepared by Hubbell & Waller Engineering Corp. and Deep Sea Salmon Company. Southeastern and Southwestern, Alaska locations which include: Corea Bend Beach, Cape Kasilof Gold Gulch, Cook Inlet, Salamato Beach, Kenai River Mouth, Granite Point, Bristol Bay, Cape Edward, Margaret Creek, Port Althorp, Chichagof Island, Ninilchik Beach.
Mabel and Emil Fisher Photograph Collection, ca. 1937-1952
This collection of photographs depict the Eskimo families, and other residents and their traditional activities from Cape Prince of Wales, Hoonah (before the 1944 fire), Little Diomede, Unalakleet, where the Fishers lived and taught during their time in Alaska. Some of the photographs have captions on the verso, identified by Carol Browning and Vernon Everett Fisher. Some of the photographs were taken by Charles Menadelook.
Walter L. Fisher Photograph Collection, 1909-1911
Fisheries Slides Collection, ca. 1969
The 205 color slides depict the fishing industry in Alaska; notes suggest that the slides were photographed in March, May, and June 1969.
Fitzhugh earthquake report, 1964
Letter written to friends of Fitz and Margaret Fitzhugh reporting on the 1964 earthquake in Anchorage, Alaska.
Mary Fleek Photograph Collection, ca. 1900-1940 (bulk 1930-1940)
Interior views of the Treadwell Foundry, Treadwell Mines, Douglas Island, Alaska and a photocopied reproduction of an interior view of St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in Douglas, photographed by C.L. Andrews. Three of the photos were taken by Mary Fleek in the early 1930s. Also included are photos of the Juneau Douglas ferryboat “Teddy” and a Chinese Grave Marker in a Douglas Island cemetery.
Floating trap and equipment, Seattle, 1923 February 27.
Original blueprint drawn by C.B.L., traced by A.L. Meggs.
Folta shorthand, 1917-1923
Three notebooks containing shorthand developed by Folta while working for the territorial governor and as a court reporter.